How PlanGrid (YC W12) will save NEA Baptist Hospital almost $2M, for an ROI of 7753.41%

by Y Combinator8/19/2013

The NEA Baptist Hospital is one of thousands of projects leveraging PlanGrid for construction document management. This Arkansas-based project is around 770,000 squre feet, has a two and half year construction schedule, and a project cost of $175 million.

Adding up time, paper and rework savings together results in annual savings of $786,196[5] per year or $1,965,490[6] over the entire length of the project. The total project cost for PlanGrid including hardware and subscriptions for the 13 users was $10,140 per year[8]. This leads to an ROI of 7753.41% or 77x.[7]

Read the full post on The Plangrid Blog


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