UpLabs (YC W16) Brings Designers and Developers Together in one UI Tools Marketplace

by Y Combinator3/9/2016

The highest quality products are often made when designers and developers work together closely. But the existing communities that these groups use to access site- and app-building tools are often segregated from each other.

UpLabs is a company launching out of our Winter class that brings designers and developers together in one resource marketplace for user interface tools.

Anna Escher wrote about UpLabs in a recent article on TechCrunch:

“UpLabs is a
community-powered marketplace that lets designers and developers share
ready-to-ship UI resources — like login boxes and payment forms — to
build apps and sites.

Originally from France, founders Matt
Aussaguel and Guillemette Dejean moved to the U.S. after finding their
way into Y Combinator’s Winter 2016 class. They had long felt that existing
communities segregate designers and developers in a way that keeps
either from working efficiently, and that when they collaborate and understand each other’s constraints, beautiful products are made.

…UpLabs wants to be a resource for developers to learn more about design
and to purchase interactive prototypes. Within the UpLabs community,
designers and developers can get feedback from each other on live
concepts, as well as buy and sell their prototypes.”

Read the full story on TechCrunch here.


  • Y Combinator

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