TapIn.TV (YC S12) evolves into Framebase, making building products that use video much easier

by Y Combinator4/8/2013

Sometimes, the business you should be building is hidden beneath the one you already are.

Back in early 2012, four friends set out to build TapIn.TV. As one of many competitors in the crowded live mobile video broadcasting space, TapIn.TV focused almost entirely on video. After months of development, they noticed something rather troubling: building video stuff — the uploading, the recording, the playback — is too damned hard. So they’re setting out to fix it.

Over the past few months, the company (part of Y-Combinator’s Summer 2012 class) has quietly been changing directions. What was once TapIn.TV is now Framebase, an infrastructure service meant to make adding video functionality to a project a matter of dropping in a few lines of code.

Read the full article on Techcrunch


  • Y Combinator

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