Sliced Investing (YC S14) Launches To Bring Hedge Fund Access To The Common Investor

by Y Combinator8/5/2014

Sliced Investing today launched a tool to connect accredited investors who previously couldn’t meet the required minimum investment, to hedge funds.

You won’t be able to use Sliced to drop $1,000 into a hedge fund, but its service should allow qualified investors to deploy low five-figure sums into hedge funds that previously had mid-range six-figure minimums.

Sliced intends to get around minimums by pooling users’ capital into larger tranches. Users will be able to select a fund on Sliced that focuses on a certain strategy — say, equities or real estate — that meets their own investment bent. Other users can do the same, and after what the company calls a “threshold” is met, the accumulated monies will be disbursed into several hedge funds that match the selected strategy.


  • Y Combinator

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