Hackermeter (YC S13) wants to kill your résumé and replace it with a high score

by Y Combinator8/12/2013

If you’re looking to hire a bad ass programmer, fielding resumes can start to feel like an exercise in futility. They’re good for quickly filtering out folks who are clearly applying to everything — but when everyone in the industry has some crazy made-up senior ninja/rockstar/space cadet title, when everyone considers themselves a coder, and when “Proficient with C” can mean two entirely different things based on a person’s ego, that’s about all they’re good for.

Hackermeter, part of the most recent Y-combinator class, thinks they have a better alternative: a coder score.

Hackermeter is based around the concept of coding challenges. The better you perform on each challenge, the higher your score. The higher your score, the more enticing you’ll be to a potential employer.

Read the full article at Techcrunch


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