GetAccept (YC W16) Helps Salespeople Close More Deals

by Y Combinator3/16/2016

Closing a sales deal often requires a lot of persistence and follow-through. Unfortunately, many deals fall through the cracks at some point before they cross the finish line, thanks to the messy and time-consuming nature of passing the necessary documents back and forth through email.

GetAccept is a company launching out of our Winter 2016 class that helps salespeople take full advantage of their sales opportunities and close more deals cleanly and quickly, with a workflow that helps them design, track and market sales documents through to the point that they’re e-signed on the dotted line.

VentureBeat’s Ken Yeung wrote about GetAccept in a post published today:

“Sixty percent of proposals never get signed, according to [GetAccept] cofounder
Mathias Thulin. He attributes it to a lack of structured workflow for
salespeople: ‘They don’t know where to follow up or are lazy.’ GetAccept
aims to automate the process to convert more missed opportunities into
signed deals. It incorporates different behavioral decisions you’ve made
to push the deal forward, such as sending your sale an email or SMS
reminder, along with retargeting display campaigns.

A messaging service is also included, giving salespeople another way
to communicate with their leads. The idea is to continue building trust
from the point between when a quote is sent over to when the deal is
actually signed.”

Read the full story and see screenshots of GetAccept in action here.


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  • Y Combinator

    Y Combinator created a new model for funding early stage startups. Twice a year we invest a small amount of money ($150k) in a large number of startups (recently 200). The startups move to Silicon