Etacts (W10) Makes Something Fred Wilson Wants

by Alexis Ohanian5/14/2010

I love it when I write about something I need and some developer out there builds it. It happens all the time and it never ceases to amaze me.

This week it happened as a result of my email bankruptcy post. I wrote this in that post:

I have a list of about thirty people who I email with regularly and who are my most important email relationships. I use two web services, Gist and Etacts, to tell me who these people are. Both are useful. I then do gmail searches on their names and make sure that I have no unread and unarchived emails from them. It would be great if one or both of these services could auto-generate a gmail search on all thirty addresses for me. It would be even better if gmail had this feature built into the service.

The team at Etacts read the post and added the exact feature I wanted. I’ve got the Etacts browser plugin in Chrome and this is what my gmail sidebar looks like now.



Read the full post here.

Good work Evan and Howie!


  • Alexis Ohanian