Custora (YC W11) to teach online class about Customer Lifetime Value Thursday at 2PM EST

by Alexis Ohanian1/31/2013

The most common question that online retailers ask us at Custora is, “How can I increase my Customer Lifetime Value.” And not far behind is, “So what exactly is CLV?”

This makes a lot of sense. After all, CLV is by far the most important metric that online retailers should be measuring. Yet despite it’s apparent simplicity — it’s literally just the average amount of profit generated from each user over their lifetime as a customer — there is a lot of hidden complexity.

That is why we’ve decided to host an online class this Thursday, Jan. 31th, at 2PM EST. This class will be a basic introduction to Customer Lifetime Value, along with the opportunity afterward to ask the founders questions about your specific business.

Read the full article at the Custora blog


  • Alexis Ohanian